Retirement Planning
Having a good financial plan for your retirement can set you up for years of enjoyment with loved ones. Each person will have their own idea of what they want to save for, maybe a house, a well funded retirement or to generate an income off current investments. Paul will go through your situation and come up with a plan for you.
At NZ Advice Group we have access to a range of fund managers to help give options and fit each individuals' needs. We monitor the plan closely to make sure it is moving as it should and communicate with our clients as much as needed to make sure the target amount can be reached.
Paul and Reagan are Financial Advisers and will help you reach your savings or retirement goals.
To discuss a plan for your retirement or to ask questions about KiwiSaver, or for shorter length flexible savings options, please contact Paul on 021 907 979, 0800 230 235 or

Paul Harvey